
About the Streaming API

The Streaming API offered by Companies House makes it possible to listen for changes to the companies register.

It uses a long-running HTTP endpoint, similar to Server Sent Events (SSE).

Related links:

About this website companies.stream

This website is primarily designed as a developer tool for devs working with the Streaming API.

It shows the status of the various streams, as well as how much activity there currently is. This helps developers correctly diagnose problems with their application if they aren't getting any events.

The application code is fully open source and available in the GitHub repository mrbrianevans/companies-house-stream.

About Companies House

Companies House is a government organisation in the UK. Registered companies file annual accounts with them and they publish company data on a public register.

A non-technical interface for this data can be found at Find and update company information.

Companies House offers multiple data products, which can be used by software developers to extract useful datasets about UK companies. More information about each of their data products can be found on CH Guide, which I started to collect related information about the data products. At a high level, there are three main ways to access Companies House data:

  • bulk data files
  • Streaming API

About the creator

This website was created by Brian Evans in January 2021.

Brian Evans is a software developer with a focus on the JavaScript/TypeScript languages, and has used the Companies House data products since late 2020.

I've worked with all the major Companies House public data products including their bulk data products, the REST API and the Streaming API.